feedback2x Give suppliers the feedback they want
Stay one step ahead of your competitors by having the flexibility to offer your suppliers the feedback they want, quickly.
Good data2x Base decisions on good data
Some variables are outside of your control, but knowing exactly what livestock is costing is critical. Uniworks supplies accurate data on all manner of things, such as what it costs to purchase and feed livestock or what its cost to bring a carcase to the point of boning.
Costs down2x Drive down costs
Drive your costs down through process automation and efficiency. By automating the processing of information and connecting you electronically with industry organisations and your trading partners, Uniworks reduces your operating expenses.
Locations2x Run your business from anywhere
Uniworks lets you choose where you want to run your Livestock business from. You may choose to operate some functions at the coalface of the business while centralising other functions.
Further Information
Keep track of livestock on feed
Uniworks keeps track of livestock you have on grazing blocks and feedlots, taking care of payment, freight and procurement fees, as well as keeping track of feed and animal health expenses. Uniworks also keeps track of the number of head and value of livestock on feed and provides weekly movement and financial inventory reports.
Toll Processing Services
Uniworks takes care of separating the product ownership and invoicing customers for service fees.
Good livestock supply planning
Whether its scheduling the availability of animals coming off feed for kill or buying direct, Uniworks provides the tools to schedule space and keep supply plans up to date automatically.
Manage producer supply agreements
Capture details about the terms of supply, livestock criteria, where, when and number of head. Uniworks brings this information together in supply planning forecasts and will keep it up to date as bookings are made.
Save time and money…get connected
Connect to national livestock databases. Save time and avoid mistakes by automatically uploading your saleyard purchases from livestock exchange. Connect to electronic vendor declarations and integrate to buyer portals.
Checks and balances
Enjoy the peace of mind of knowing tasks are being completed accurately and on time. Smart, easy-to-use workflow screens incorporate checks and balances to ensure data accuracy. Simple colour symbols show the state of the data and what remains to be done to complete the process.
Payments made easy
Delegate financial authority to the right people within your organisation and put in place pre-approval steps within the payment processes to ensure information is being checked before feedback is being sent and creditors are paid. Pre-approval steps may also be applied to other administration functions.

Customise price schedules or terms in any way you wish.

Give your suppliers the feedback they want

Livestock, cartage, feed, commission

Transfer creditor payments to your financial system

Publish price schedules and avoid transposing figures by using a separate system